About to embark on an even crazier than normal point in my schedule as I am preparing to move in a week or so. Only going a few miles for a better neighborhood for my kids, but any move still SUCKS as you know if you’ve done it! I love my CDs and it’s still by far my favorite format, but having to move them right now has dropped the love affair down just a peg for the time being. I’ll do my best to provide updates here as I can but the month of June is going to be nuts to say the least. Please keep an eye on my appearance calendar on home page of this site and my Twitter and FB for more info as well.

If in Providence RI or Chicopee MA area I will be there this weekend with Don & Jim for live dates. Details on the home page. Again, none of the shows listed or appearances I do are TMS tapings. Books and merch available at all. Hope to see you all soon as the road schedule is always being added to as well.

An FYI about the concerts listed on this site for my NYC/NJ radio audience. They are all mostly NY/NJ area events because they are shows I am connected with locally through my radio show on my flagship station Q104.3. They are shows that advertise with me locally and I give tickets away for on the air locally as you know if you listen on Q. Soon those giveaways will be shifting to registering online through this site to win instead of calling the show. More details soon on this.

Lot of reaction to the Kiss HOF induction now that everyone has seen the broadcast. If you watched the video I shot from it that night you can see some of the Kiss speeches were edited, but not majorly. The sad part beyond the fact that they didn’t play is that the HOF will probably be the final time we ever see the original four on a stage together..

I’m told TMS will start taping again in the Fall. I’ll have more info on dates, location, number of shows, guests, etc, when we get closer and VH1C tells me. They make all the calls so all up to them. But we will not do new shows likely before October. I wish we did it EVERY week, but not up to me. More soon.

Thanks to all who have purchased my shirts and merch on this site and continue to buy my books as well. I truly appreciate your support!

26 Responses

  1. Eddie. Do you want to put a wager on the Stanley Cup series. If NY wins, I will buy an ET T shirt and post you a pic of me in it. If LA wins you put Boy George as your twitter pic for a week.

  2. Hey Eddie love the show. Any chance of having Jon Oliva on from Savatage and JOP? Interested in the triumphs and tragedies he,s had to deal with over the last 3 decades. Thanks


  3. I guess all your hard work is paying off. Better neighborhood usually translates to higher value home. Good for you. What town? Still in Morris county?

  4. Ed, I like the Classic bands that I grew up on TMS but would love to see newer bands too Like Rival Sons, Sasquatch and Wolf Mother too on TMS. What would it take for TMS to Have live performances? Suggestion would love to see a Gear head portion to your show where you talk about the new gear bands are using. Would be a great segment for a sponsor each week.

    1. I don’t want newer bands on TMS…unless of course it’s true euro Black/Death/Viking/Symphonic/Power Metal type of bands. (They’re the only bands keeping real Metal alive and they could use the exposure in this country.)

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