Back from another great weekend of travel doing radio and TV. Hosted a private event in Austin TX last Thursday with Stephen Pearcy, George Lynch and Rick Springfield. If you listen to my Volume show you heard the broadcast and George make news about being offered the Ratt gig. That interview with be my podcast this Thursday and will also include an interview with Bobby Dall from the Poison tour. Very short trip to Austin but a fun one. I really enjoyed talking with Rick Springfield. Amazing career, great guy, and we can all only hope to look that good at 69!

Also shot the 7th episode of my new TV series TrunkFest this past weekend. This time I covered Mountain Jam in upstate NY. Beautiful setting there in the mountains! It has been a blast doing this new TV show. I can’t wait for you to all see it when it debuts July 1st at 9:30P ET on AXS TV! Please help spread the word, set those DVRs, and thank you! One more episode to shoot and that will be in Wyoming for Frontier Days in July. Then the first season of 8 episodes will be complete.

Had Marq Torian on my Hair Nation show last night. Good to talk to him. All shows now on sale. Please note the dates I will be at personally are on the home page.

Hear me talk rock daily live 2-4P ET on SiriusXM 106 Volume, replay every night 9-11P ET. This show is really growing and we are having some truly great discussions!

Next appearance Hollywood FL at Hard Rock 7/1 hosting Poison and Cheap Trick! Full schedule on the home page.

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