Shocking news from AC/DC about Brian. It was discussed tonight on my radio show at length with callers. One brought up the fact that Brian recently said on Howard Stern he injured his hearing racing, not playing in the band. Wonder if this is related to that vs AC/DC? I know Brian and interviewed him many times. Great guy! But I never knew hearing to be an issue when we talked like it is with others (Pete Townsend, Paul Gilbert, etc). The fact that they will bring in a new singer opens up much discussion. Is this a patch just to do these final dates? Or is it a relaunch of another 10 years of the band? That can have a huge impact on who they pick. New unknown vs star power. I do feel strongly that they should offer all fans a refund if they want to opt out. VERY hard to tell someone who wants to see AC/DC they are getting the same thing without the VOICE! But we have seen so much from so many bands and the AC/DC logo, name, music and Angus have always been the stars. I also know Brian thought he was done 10 years ago and Angus wanted to continue. Is this the opening for Angus to keep on another 10 years? Here’s the sad thing. We have likely seen the last of the band with Rudd, Malcolm and now Brian Johnson. In my view it’s time to end it. But they have the right to do what they want and it will be interesting to watch and see what fans accept.. One thing for sure, Brian is a class act and I wish him a speedy recovery and a get well soon. Hearing is nothing to mess with and can wreck your life if not taken care of.

34 Responses

  1. Why can’t he put monitors in his ears, regulate the volume and finish the dates? I am a singer and drummer and this makes no sense…on stage, the sound can easily be adjusted too, so I am not understanding how he can’t be protected from the sound and hear at a reasonable level too…I’m bummed as I had 10 row on the floor for the Fort Lauderdale show, but only wish Brian the best…I just don’t get this reasoning…

  2. I’ve seen ac/dc every tour since 81 except for this one.
    I skipped it because of Phil and, Malcolm. And because of the set list and price.
    Sad but, 3 times on the black ice tour was good for me to say goodbye.

    I really would be shocked if Angus would decide to replace Brian either for the future or the rest of this tour.
    I understand Malcolm because that is what he wanted and angus had his blessing but.
    If they replaced brian I would lose a lot of respect for Angus .

  3. ^^^^ In addition

    I don’t care how good of a singer you can find.
    It’s absolutely laughable to replace Brian
    It would be like the Stones replacing Mick. Sure you can easily find a better singer but c’mon what a joke !!
    You’ve been around for 45 years . Let it go. Don’t embarrass yourself.

    1. Just the fact that the band said they might have a guest vocalist upset me too, but they are the greatest band to ever grace the earth, and if they do get one, I want it to be one that fits with the band and is down to earth. No one can replace Brian Johnson, but for someone that not only the band has respect for and the fans could have respect for is important. I think Jesse James Dupree again is the only one to do the job because he has the bands respect and I think if he was to fill in he would be doing this for his friend Brian and for us because he has the respect that the fans want and I hope the bands want. It just about killed me when i read Brian had to step down, but I hope he comes back to finish what he started. I don’t think he’s done, but I think he needs the time to let his ear drums get better.

  4. Some very interesting names being tossed around as a replacement for Brian, if the band does decide to move forward. Brian has such a charisma about him that (if) the replacement is named that person will need those same qualities. Lzzy Hale would be very interesting, considering the double entendre elements of AC/DC’s songs. Because there have been so many lineup changes the past couple of years, guessing this is why the energy to possibly continue remains.

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