Sorry didn’t make it in for a show tonight on SiriusXM. Still fighting a stomach bug and we were hammered by a bad snow storm here in the NJ/NY area today. No way I could get in if I wanted to and I have no set up in my house from the company. I will be back live next Monday for TrunkNation. More details when we get closer.

Shooting TMS with Ted Nugent tomorrow. First time having him on the show and yes, it’s TMS, so the focus will be music! Had Ted on my radio show recently and was refreshing to talk music with him there as well. Also in the show will be Biff from Saxon via Skype. Gary Hoey plays guitar. It will premiere this Saturday.

I suspect you might be hearing something from some members of Kiss and the HOF soon.. General public tickets are going on sale soon and people still wondering what will or won’t happen, we shall see.. More here when news to share.

Thanks to all who are coming out to see me at Concert Pub North in Houston this Saturday. Should be a blast!

Follow on Twitter @EddieTrunk for news and photos from everything!

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