Hard to believe but the latest Monsters Of Rock cruise is here! I’ve been honored to host this event every year since it’s started and it’s been amazing to be a part of and watch grow. The whole rock cruise business has become a major thing lately but the people that run MOR are great to work with and it’s always a blast with a TON of bands and fans. This time for the first time we are headed out on a new ship. The NCL Pearl. Should be a blast. I will be at sea on the ship from 2/22-26. Then I’m staying in S FL 2/27 to host Queensryche & Dokken at the Pompano Beach Amphitheater. If attending I will be selling and signing copies of both of my books before and during the bands. I’ll announce it from the stage and on Twitter when and where. Then March 1-5 I am hosting another cruise on the Pearl called The Lebrewski. This is not a hard rock cruise but a cruise focused on craft beer and a mix of rock acts. There are some great last minute deals on cabins if you want to search it online. Anyone that has been on a cruise knows you are pretty much off the grid. So updated here and on social media will not happen or be limited. Dana as always will get you all the music news each day. I’ll update when I can. Also my SiriusXM show the next two Monday’s is not live. Back live 3/7. Podcast schedule for this Thursday is John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess, the following Thursday Bob Kulick (Podcast exclusive).

If you are going on the cruise/cruises, see you on board. Otherwise more updates when I can.

8 Responses

  1. Eddie , what’s your take on a reunited Dokken opening for Guns and Roses? I heard this from an insider who works with Duff. He did confirm Dokken was offered a large sum to open.

    1. I have heard from an “insider” that it is going to be Joe Lynn Turner and 4 other old, wrinkly guys. Wesley, do you feel like taking a stroll down a Street of Dreams”?

    2. Oh I see you are “Don,” this time? I was going to delete your comments, as I always do, but decided to let this one through.

      Why? Because the poster who is known as “Harry Taint,” would be upset to know that you doubt his existence, and instead think he is me-LOL!!!

      The irony of you accusing me of posting under another identity is almost hilarious, if it wasn’t simply a case of obvious projection. Also, unlike your cowardice, I always post under my own name, and my name, only.

      Also, if you weren’t so pusillanimous (yay, I finally got to use an SAT word), and supplied a legitimate email addy, I could have contacted you offline. Therefore, this matter would have remained private, as it serves no purpose clogging up the thread, however, I am forced to write it here. Just so you know, I am seriously considering contacting the webmaster to see if I can have you permanently blocked from posting on this site.

      Finally, this is the last response you will ever receive from me. It will be back to business as usual, deleting your posts. So, enjoy your two second claim to fame.

      Have a good one.

    3. Don, don’t hate on the perineum. It serves a valuable purpose. Where would we be without it?

      Here is something I would like you to read. Please give it your full attention. It is from the Urban Dictionary.
      It states…

      One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. ‘you’re nothing but a fanboy’ is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevence to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.

      Don, I implore you.

      Don’t be one of those guys. Come up with an original thought, an observation, read a book, take in mother nature while smoking a bowl. Have some fun in life. There is a way out for you. Life can be a bitch but you don’t have to be.

      By the way, it’s Harold.

    4. However despite your feelings, you are still reading and commenting. So, thank you for your support.

      D 🙂

    5. Harold your actually celebrating the fact that you give out your personal information to an unsecured website? I hope you and Dana realize your information is most likely being sold or hacked. Once a hacker gets into your email they cab access your bank info and other private info.
      I think Don is more intelligent than both of you.

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