Just back from my first visit to Houston this past Saturday night and really my first ever ticketed live speaking engagement. It went down at Concert Pub North and I had no idea what to expect going in. So needless to say I was BLOWN AWAY that nearly 500 people came out to hang with me, hear me tell some stories and do some Q&A. It was a GREAT audience and a true honor for sure. Still amazed to be honest and grateful for the support. After I did about 90 minutes on stage I sat and signed and took photos with everyone in the place for at least another 2 hours. Can not thank you all enough for the incredible support for what I do. Also thanks to John and JD at Concert Pub and the local bands who also played that night, including a killer UFO tribute called Lights Out. It was a great night and I hope to book more Eddie Trunk Live dates soon! Keep an eye on the home page. This Saturday I am at Starland in NJ with my TMS partners Don & Jim for a night of comedy and more. The show is almost sold out so get your tix now if you want to come out. Please note. NO live club gigs by any of us are filmed or used for TMS. They are either speaking dates or comedy shows only. TMS is only done on the set in NYC with VH1C. Thanks.


Speaking of TMS, HUGE response to the Ted Nugent show this week! I’d say 80% very positive and people loved we kept it all about music. There are some of course that are anti Ted and I respect your positions but don’t agree. From a TV/interview perspective I love people that let it fly. We are in a day and age that everyone is SO PC, so afraid to say anything the least bit different than the norm. Everyone is just ready to pounce at anything anyone says that is different from their view. So it is refreshing as heck to have a guy like Ted who just says what he thinks. Do I agree with everything he has done and said? No. But I respect his right to say it. I have said this many times; I watch Bill OReilly and Bill Maher, and love both equally. I sure don’t agree with all they both say, but I love they have the balls to say it, especially in this hyper sensitive world of social media we are in today. I also grew up loving Howard Stern, having strong opinions sure as hell didn’t hurt him. But TMS is a music show, and Ted talked and played all music, and most loved it! It also got many talking about TMS and debating his appearance and that sure doesn’t suck either. I thought it was a great show about music, which as I say in my second book in the chapter on Ted, he is often sadly overlooked for at times. This episode repeats all week on VH1C.


Back live on SiriusXM 39 TRUNKNation tonight 6-10P ET. Myles Kennedy & Mark Tremonti of Alter Bridge in studio. They will also be this weeks TMS guests that we tape tomorrow night in NYC.


Both of my books available signed from me on this site as well as all new Merch including hats and shirts. Please see the respective tabs for info. Books under Media tab for order info. Thanks.

43 Responses

  1. Loved your gig in Houston. It was so awesome to meet you, get my books signed and have the opportunity to “stump” you. The Ted Nugent episode was very good. It was fun to watch and well done. I had no fear that it would be a joke or whatever people were talking about before the show aired.

  2. I LOVED the episode with Uncle Ted! I see him alot on political shows, but it seems his music is forgotten sometimes. His appearance on TMS was CLASSIC! Up there with the last Ace episode as one of all time faves! When he “Humped the Trunk”? OMG I about died! Thank you for having him on! Now we need Dereck St. Holmes on.

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