I’m off on a cruise for what will be a very rare and all to brief vacation for a few days. What I love most about a cruise (and I have taken many over the decades) is the total disconnect you get. If you are like me email, phone, texts dominate your life and 95% is work related. So the greatest thing about a cruise for me is turning your phone off and forgetting all of that for a few days. It is truly the one rare time you can get away from all of that. Of course when you dock and get your signal back and turn the phone on you pay the price big time! But it is still well worth the break. So with that in mind I will be checking off the grid for a few days from updates here, tweets, FB postings, etc. Dana will still continue to update music news. The SiriusXM show this Monday will not be live. I’ll be back Thursday October 24th. Until then I will be enjoying the disconnect. Have a great weekend/week all. More soon.

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