Greetings from LA. Been here since last week with my latest LA Invasion show from the Rainbow. Was a great one with Joe Satriani, Keith St John and Jack Russell. If you missed it now On Demand SiriusXM app. Also hosted some events at NAMM this past weekend. Was fun seeing so many friends and meeting so many fans. I’ll recap on air tomorrow. I’ll be live from SiriusXM LA all this coming week usual time of 2-4P ET on 106 Volume talking rock with you (replay 10-Mid ET). Have some cool guests lined up as well. Keep an eye on Twitter for more. This Friday I’ll be attending the big Aerosmith Music Cares tribute here! Also this Sunday I am in Thornburg VA (info on home page appearances). Next LA Invasion is 2/25 FYI.

My new podcast this Thursday will feature a tribute to Neil Peart.

Lot going on so keep an eye on my Twitter and IG for updates !

One Response

  1. It’s Monday 5pm eastern, and NO Trunknation on Hairnation show!
    You’re in L.A. at SiriusXM and we can’t have the Monday evening show?
    Once again, the SUBSCRIBERS get shafted!
    Quit telling us about how much you work, a whole 10 hours a week on Volume.
    Volume show sucks! NO music + commercials + lousy time slot = NO thanks!
    The channel 39 listeners keep getting screwed. “It’s snowing today, I’m traveling, I have vacation days to use up, It’s the day before the day before a holiday, I got the sniffles.” Too many excuses, and the fans get 1 or 2 shows a month.
    As a loyal listener & long time XM subscriber, I’m disappointed, again!

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