Reuters reports:

Fewer than half of Americans plan to go to sports events, concerts, movies and amusement parks when they reopen to the public until there is a proven coronavirus vaccine, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday (April 28th).

That includes those who have attended such events in the past, an ominous sign for the sports and entertainment industries hoping to return to the spotlight after being shut down by the pandemic.

Another four in 10 said they were willing to wait, even if it takes more than a year to develop a vaccine.

The rest said they either “don’t know” what to do or may never attend those events again.

“Just because people say we can go back, until people feel fully safe … they aren’t going to go back,” said Victor Matheson, a specialist in sports economics at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts.

“We go to games for entertainment and you’re not going to be very entertained if you’re not worrying about who the next player to bat is and instead worrying about that person who just coughed two rows down.”

While as many as 100 potential vaccines are in development around the world, scientists are projecting that bringing one to market could take 18 months…

…The poll showed that only 27% of those questioned would go to a movie theater, concert or live theater performance when venues reopen, underscoring the hurdles faced by the entertainment industry as it tries to get back on its feet…

Thirty-two percent said they would wait for a vaccine before going back to the movies, theater or concerts.

In all, 55% of Americans said those events should not resume before a vaccine is available.

Movie buff and music fan Ana Morales of Bristow, Virginia, said she did not plan to visit a theater where she has a membership or attend a summer country music series until there is a vaccine.

“It would be a bit reckless for us to go,” she said, adding that she would be afraid of spreading the disease to her in-laws, who are over 60 years old.

She said that even if theaters implemented social-distancing rules, she would worry that shared surfaces like seats had not been cleaned thoroughly…

…The Reuters/Ipsos poll surveyed 4,429 American adults from April 15 to 21, asking about their previous attendance at sports events and live concerts and their interest in attending if they reopened before a coronavirus vaccine is available. The poll questions noted a vaccine might not be available for more than a year.

Read more at Reuters.

6 Responses

  1. I don’t listen to mass media anymore AP ,REUTERS, WSJ, ABC , NBC, CBS none of them , I wont get deeply into my thoughts and feelings but when 6 huge conglomerates own all our mass media , there is an agenda – if you open the concert halls and sports arena’s people will come ! in my town every store that is open is packed every day ! my wife works at a green house deemed essential because they grow fruits and veggies – packed every day ! don’t believe everything you read or watch on tv- people want to get back to normal- and every single person I know is no longer scared – and I for one will not live my life in fear I will not cower from another human being unless they are pointing a gun in my face – it’s time to start really living again I am ready to enjoy live music , football and basketball again ! I don’t think I’m alone –

    1. I agree about the media, Robert,

      However, living in Manhattan, and knowing two people who have succumbed to the Corona virus. I, personally, have no interest in being in any crowds, anytime soon, if at anytime at all.


  2. on this one i have to agree,my whole world of entertainment is concerts or movies,all year long,thats my thing period. but i have to say at 59 is it really worth taking the risk,for me no it is im in the percentage that will wait till there is something to keep this way..

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