Hello all, 

I see some of your kind birthday wishes on other posts, so I put this up, not to guilt anyone, but to keep my lovely messages, on one page. 

I will try and copy, and paste, what is already up. It will say it’s from me, but I will indicate the wonderful person who wrote the message. 

Thank you all for thinking of me!! Hugs and kisses.

D 🙂

11 Responses

  1. From Doug R:

    Happy birthday Dana!! We may not be the “Youth Gone Wild” anymore, but we’ll always be living Bach in the ’80s! 🙂 Cheers!!

  2. From Rattlehead:

    I wanted to wish Dana a mastodon sized birthday today. Dana is our heavy metal and hard rock queen, in addition to being our “Matriarch of All Things Hard Rock and Heavy Metal”. She volunteers her previous time to give all us fans a great forum to express our opinions. Volunteers don’t always have the time to give, but they have the heart to give cuz they care. Dana, thanks for all you do for us. I hope you have an awesome birthday and enjoy your special day. \m/ salute for Dana!

  3. I would also like to acknowledge Layne Staley, today would have been his 57th birthday. Back in the early ’90s rock music needed a Facelift, and Alice In Chains definitely gave it to us!

  4. Happy Birthday Dana! I hope John Sykes jumps out of your birthday cake in his special birthday suit customized just for you!!! Lemme hear ya!! Whhooooaaaowwwwe!

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