Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson has released the following statement:

“I’ve always admired the hard work, effort and dedication of the Heavy Metal Truants. Ever since our manager Rod, and great Maiden friend Alex Milas came up with the idea back in 2012 and started pedaling their way to the million pound goal , I’d thought Wow – raising money for a fantastic cause, joining a bunch of like-minded people from all walks of life AND getting in some great exercise, that’s something I’d be proud to be a part of.

So now, in 2021 with our European Legacy tour once again derailed by COVID, I can finally say: ‘yes please – count me in’- I’m aiming to complete at least the Download distance of 175 miles outdoors and hopefully much more in the 12 days May 24th to June 4th.

I am absolutely determined to help see the Heavy Metal Truants surpass their target of an £200,000 [Dana’s note: as of this printing (5/17) this amounts to $283,054.56 USD] and also take the HMT collective fundraising total to over £1MILLION [Dana’s note: $1,415,612.71 USD] over their nine rides since 2013.

Once again the fundraising will benefit four children’s charities: Save The Children (international),  Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy, Teenage Cancer Trust, and ChildLine/NSPCC.  100% of the donations received is split equally between these four excellent endeavours.

In the last two years, these kid’s charities  have lost over 75% of their income through not being able to put on the all-important fundraising events. They need every single ounce of help we can give.

So please help me do it, by digging in your pocket, rummaging down the back of the sofa for loose change, pulling out your check book or just keeping it simple and clicking the links below to donate the 21st century way. What Does This Button Do? It will help a disadvantaged child that’s what it will do.

Please donate generously by either of the following:

Online donation link:

Bank details:  

Heavy Metal Truants
SC: 18-00-02 AC: 08639639


For more information on the Heavy Metal Truants go to:

Maybe you should sign up to and help the cause!

All the best,



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