Just back from a long run on the road. Vegas, LA, Catalina Island, Houston. I was at the Sammy Hagar Beach Bash Thursday on Catalina and recorded a radio special with him and the Circle that premieres this Wed 10A and 10P EST on SiriusXM 106 Volume (also on the app). Was great seeing Sammy and the guys, think you guys will enjoy this! Also thanks to Justin and Warehouse Live in Houston for having me host Sebastian Bach Friday and Jackyl Saturday. Both bands 100% real live and kick ass. Shout out to Bach opener Kaleido who sounded great, and Jackyl opener Dead Man’s Hand. Thanks to all the great fans I met along the way. Next up; Monsters On The Mountain this weekend!

New podcast this Thursday is my recent interview with Lars Ulrich. This is a full 45 minutes, not the brief call in a few weeks back. Free anywhere you get podcasts!

Lot going on and TBA. Please keep an eye on my Twitter and IG!

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