Drummathon 2020 presented by Love Life Foundation is…drum roll please…October 4th and we’re going virtual.
What better way to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month than to hold our largest annual fundraiser the first Sunday in October? Drummers, musicians, and friends come together from all over the world to raise funds through their own online fundraising page to fight against breast cancer. Then on October 4th, our Virtual Live Stream Drummathon will commence with live music, auctions, celebrity guest appearances, breast cancer survivors, and top fundraisers streamed straight to the comfort of your home.
All funds raised go towards mammograms, financial assistance for breast cancer treatment, and towards breast cancer research and trials.
Auctions have opened today and will continue until 9 PM CT on October 4th. To bid on all items, please click here.
Below are just a FEW of the amazing items up for bidding: