Some of the memorabilia stolen from the Musonia School Of Music, which was run by Randy Rhoads’ mother Delores, and where Rhoads himself learned to play guitar, and taught lessons, was recovered over the weekend.

Local resident Bobbi Fredriksz says she spotted a guitar and photos in a dumpster as she was walking her dog early Sunday morning. She initially didn’t think anything of it until she got home and saw a report about the theft on ABC7.

“As I was laying in bed, not feeling well, when it came on I was like wait a minute, oh my God,” Fredriksz told ABC7. “I ran all the way back over here it was still here. Somebody else started to see it and called police.”

The first electric guitar Randy ever played, a Harmony Rocket from 1963, and two horns that belonged to his late mother were stolen during the Thanksgiving night burglary and are still missing.

Ozzy Osbourne recently announced that he was offering a 25k reward for any information leading to the whereabouts of stolen items and/or their return.

Photo courtesy of The Metal Voice.

additional source;

11 Responses

    1. No, the report states:

      The first electric guitar Randy ever played, a Harmony Rocket from 1963, and two horns that belonged to his late mother were stolen during the Thanksgiving night burglary and are still missing.

  1. Well that’s some good news, finally. Now hopefully the rest of the instruments and gear will be found, along with the lowlifes that stole them. How could anyone do something like that, especially this close to Christmas?

  2. Great some of the stuff was recovered. But I’m saddened it was discovered in a dumpster, as if it was trash. To me, these are priceless items that belong with the family, or in a museum.

    1. It is disgusting human behaviour that’s for sure. They’ll get busted soon enough.

    2. Tasker, I hope the thief does indeed get busted, too. The fact that these items were discovered in a dumpster leads me to believe that the thief is probably some young punk who doesn’t know of Randy Rhoads, or his legacy as a guitarist. I can’t believe a fan, or even someone with knowledge of Rhoads’ influence and work, would have stolen these items.

    3. I thought the same thing and agree. Someone who doesn’t know their arse from their elbow.

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