Thanks to all for the amazing feedback on my Q104 show last night and the first ever Holiday RUSH Special! Was awesome to celebrate an entire show of the music of Rush and even cooler to have Alex Lifeson call in and be part of it. We talked R&R Hall (they are very aware how vocal I was for years about it. Alex said I’m probably more relieved then they are!), retirement (not anything soon, just slowing down touring after 2014 or so), 5.1 reissues, and much much more. Can’t thank Alex enough for taking time from the holidays to be a part of the show. The guys in Rush have always been super cool with me. Just really great people. Alex & Geddy were very early guests in the history of TMS when nobody even knew what it was. Just really grateful to have support and respect from them for my shows. I’ve decided Holiday RUSH will be an annual special, so much great music and conversation. Also thanks to Mike Portnoy for coming in to guest co-host and bringing in some true rare gems. Response has been phenomenal and everyone asking how to hear again. Just check the station list on this site under Broadcasts, Syndication. All those stations and their streams air Holiday RUSH next weekend at the dates and times listed. So that’s how to hear it again many times, places and ways all free. Those stations THIS weekend are airing the KISSmas show with Peter Criss, so hit them up THIS weekend to hear that. Have a good weekend all! Playlists for all shows up now in Playlists section on this site.

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